“Dear Applicant,
Congratulations! This email is being sent to inform you that your
application was accepted to take part in the Summer of Code.”
Yeah, one of my two proposals has been accepted!
My first proposal was about working on GL O.B.S. under the Python Software Foundation, unfortunately it was very likely going to be discarded.
I learned this from a mentor who contacted me, he wrote that my application was based on a personal program and that it would have been hard to find someone to mentor me, moreover I wouldn’t have contributed to the Python community. He also added that I could have been a good candidate for his project, he is, indeed, Arc Riley, Project Manager of PySoy.
And so I did, I wrote another application and, this time, it has been accepted. 🙂
My work will be to integrate multi-texturing in the PySoy rendering loop and API, document API additions, test the whole under many different free software drivers and then implement some related techniques, like bump or normal mapping.
I’m really glad of this opportunity, I will learn many interesting OpenGL and Python topics and I will improve my design, teamwork and communication skills.
Thank you Google! 😉
Congratulations mate !
I’ll think at you while sunbathing on the beach with a frozen beer in my hand 😛
complimenti anche da parte mia 🙂
Thank you archers. 🙂
Grandissimo! E grazie per essere passato sul mio sito 🙂