
Watch some of them on my YouTube channel or on Vimeo!
Download a Windows archive of some of my last demos.


System: Linux, Windows
Language: Python, GLSL
Libraries: PyGame, PyOpenGL 3
Date: 28 Apr 2008
Download: tar.gz
State: Completed

This is the first revision of a tiny and simple PyOpenGL3 class library for demos.
It comes with the Python version of two C demos I developed: GLSL_DoF2 and GLSL_multilight.


System: Linux, Windows
Language: C, GLSL
Libraries: SDL, OpenGL 2
Date: 28 Apr 2008
Download: tar.gz
State: Completed

This demo shows a bunch of rotating and textured cubes in a cubic room lit in different ways:

  1. using the fixed pipeline (single and multi-pass)
  2. using shaders (single and multi-pass, per-vertex and per-pixel)
  3. through deferred shading


System: Linux, Windows
Language: C, GLSL
Libraries: SDL, OpenGL 2
Date: 15 Apr 2008
Download: tar.gz
State: Completed

This demo is my adaptation of the second D3D example code from the ShaderX2 chapter titled “Real-Time Depth of Field Simulation”.
It is 2.5 times faster and shows less artifacts and problems than the first one.


System: Linux, Windows
Language: C, GLSL
Libraries: SDL, OpenGL 2
Date: 23 Mar 2008
Download: tar.gz
State: Completed

After having tested basic post-processing techniques with the previous demo, I come now with a first real application.
This demo is my adaptation of the first D3D example code from the ShaderX2 chapter titled “Real-Time Depth of Field Simulation”.


System: Linux, Windows
Language: C, GLSL
Libraries: SDL, OpenGL 2
Date: 12 Mar 2008
Download: tar.gz
State: Completed

A demo to test about post-processing with shaders and Frame Buffer Objects.
It applies a 3×3 convolution matrix to every pixel of the FBO, which contains the rendered scene to process.
Current applicable filters include sharpen, blur, gaussian blur, edge enhance, edge detect and emboss.


System: Linux, Windows
Language: C
Libraries: SDL, OpenGL, OpenAL, ALUT
Date: 15 Feb 2008
Download: tar.gz
State: Completed

This is my first attempt with OpenAL, a standard library for positional audio and effects, which has an API similar to OpenGL.
The program uses SDL, as usual, and OpenGL itself for listener and source positions representation.


System: Linux, Windows
Language: C, GLSL
Libraries: SDL, OpenGL 2
Date: 1 Dec 2005
Update: 31 Apr 2007
Download: tar.gz
State: Completed

Another rather serious demo, it heavily depends on GLSL shaders and OpenGL 2.
You can see a VBOs rendered cube showing per pixel Blinn-Phong shading with specular mapping and tangent space parallax mapping with offset limiting!


System: Linux, Windows
Language: C
Libraries: SDL, OpenGL
Date: 1 Dec 2005
Update: 31 Dec 2005
Download: tar.gz
State: Completed

A great demo about real-time shadows generation with stencil shadow volumes!
It’s based on NeHe’s lesson 27.


System: Linux, Windows
Language: C
Libraries: SDL, OpenGL
Date: 1 Dec 2005
Update: 8 Dec 2005
Download: tar.gz
State: Completed

An experiment with particles based on the 19th chapter of NeHe tutorials lead me to this simple, yet fascinating, smoke demo.


System: Linux, Windows
Language: C, shaders asm
Libraries: SDL, OpenGL
Date: 6 Jun 2005
Download: tar.gz
State: Completed

The last modification of the original pointz demo, it makes use of ARB vertex and fragment programs.
Again, the grab showing the program running is the same as the original demo, they display the same effect.


System: Linux, Windows
Language: C, Cg
Libraries: SDL, OpenGL
Date: 3 Jun 2005
Download: tar.gz
State: Completed

Another version of the original pointz demo, this time making use of nVidia’s Cg.
The grab showing the program running is the same as the original demo, they actually display the same effect.


System: Linux, Windows
Language: C, GLSL
Libraries: SDL, OpenGL
Date: 31 May 2005
Download: tar.gz
State: Completed

This is just the remake of the previous demo using shaders via OpenGL Shading Language.
Have a look at it running real fast even under heavy CPU load. 🙂
The grab showing the program running is the same as the previous demo, they actually display the same effect.


System: Linux, Windows
Language: C
Libraries: SDL, OpenGL
Date: 20 May 2005
Download: tar.gz
State: Completed

This is a little and simple demo made just to have some fun with OpenGL. I wanted to do something and to have it completed in just an afternoon. It was inspired from many old skool demos showing 3d starfields or geometric shapes made of points, of course it was a lot harder, back in the assembly days, to have them wave and rotate on the screen.


System: Linux, Windows
Language: C
Libraries: SDL, SDL_image, OpenGL
Date: 1 Apr 2005
Download: tar.gz
State: Completed

Another demo for the Mars series of SDL examples, this, actually, uses SDL just to handle an OpenGL rendering context. It’s an exhaustive test about blitting in 2 dimensions that should be useful to a lot of programmers.

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