My name is Angelo Theodorou, I’m half Greek and half Italian, I was born in 1983 and I currently live in Sweden. I have studied computer science in Italy and I work with games. 😉
I mostly enjoy engine and graphics programming but when I have some time I like playing with Blender too. I’m an Arch Linux enthusiast user since February 2005, and I love the demoscene, chiptunes and old school sinus scroller or roto-zoomer. 🙂
I have been an Amiga user for ten years, from a stock A500 in 1991 to an A1200 with Blizzard PPC and BlizzardVision PPC later on. Back in March 2000 I had the first contacts with the *nix world, NetBSD 1.4.2 on my 68030 A1200 first, then LinuxPPC 2000 shortly after, thanks to APUS kernels.
This blog is about my experiences with game developing, general programming and 3D graphics.
All the opinions expressed here are only my own.
Hi ,
I went through all your posts. Its very interesting. You are doing great job. I have some doubts in Blender python. Right now I just doing AR project, initially i tried with PyOPenGL to render 3D models. That doesn’t look like realistic, then i read abt blender python which can give a realistic effects to our 3D model.
As far now, when i tried in pyOpenGL it was very easy to apply intrinsic(camera) parameters and extrinsic(Rotation/translation) parameters . But in blender i have no idea how to use those values.
project is like augmenting eyewear on face. I’m using dlib to find landmarks and SolvePnP for getting RT matrix, (3*4)matrix which brings object coordinate system to camera coordinates system. The thing is how to change blender coordinate system to right hand coordinate system(y -up , and z as depth) and how to use 3*4 matrix to the object to rotate and translate. Saving rendered image in png with transparent background. Thanks in advance .