- gURLChecker 0.13.0 Italian gettext po file – February 13th, 2010
- An updated and reduced version of my Modern GPU presentation has been discussed at the Linux Day 2009 event in Naples on October 24th, 2009
- Updated and extended Modern GPUs presentation at my university (Italian, 22 and 29/4/2009) – April 29th, 2009
- Modern GPUs presentation at my university (Italian, 9/6/2008) – June 10th, 2008
- gospy-applet 0.6.0 Italian gettext po file – November 24th, 2006
- Mars presentation at Adunanza Digitale (Italian, 4/11/2006) – November 5th, 2006
- SDL_ttf tutorial (Italian) – August 21st, 2004
- SDL_mixer tutorial (Italian) – April 19th, 2004
- Blender basic tutorial (Italian) [html| pdf] – February 8th and April 1st, 2004
All my presentation are available on Slideshare.
The tutorials were also published on the SIForge.org portal.
I have been a Trusted User of the ArchLinux distribution, check my packages on AUR.